Treating sagging skin

Sagging skin

Facts, causes, skin tightening

Time leaves no trace on anyone. In our face, this often manifests itself in the loss of elasticity and resilience of the skin. The first visible signs of skin ageing can be seen from the age of 30 or earlier. As a rule, these are only felt to be disturbing when deeper wrinkles become ingrained and the facial proportions change due to the sagging of individual areas of skin.

Skin tightening treatments

Depending on the initial situation and treatment goal, we have various methods available for tightening the face and neck, from non-invasive to surgical.

for pronounced sagging face and neck contours / double chin

Eyebrow lift
for drooping eyelids/ drooping eyelids

Radiofrequency microneedling
Minimally invasive skin tightening & wrinkle treatment

Ultrasound face lifting (UltraSkin®)
The gentle mini-lift for the first signs of skin ageing

ResurFX laser treatment
Minimally invasive tissue tightening at the first signs of skin ageing

As a general rule, the more pronounced the skin sagging, the more intensive the treatment. In most cases, the various methods can also be ideally combined. This applies in particular to medical cosmetics, which is always part of successful skin optimization.

Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

Skin, face and neck lift: the methods


If the loss of elasticity in the face and neck is already more pronounced, a comprehensive lift of the forehead, cheeks and neck ensures a maximum rejuvenating effect. We often combine the lift with a correction of the upper and lower eyelids or with a targeted wrinkle treatment using laser or peeling. A facelift is one of the most common procedures performed at our clinic. Thanks to Dr. Dr. Muggenthaler’s many years of experience and the use of state-of-the-art techniques, a natural-looking rejuvenation of the face is achieved.


More about the facelift

Laser treatment for sagging skin

Surgical facelift