22 Feb Phenol peeling workshop in Nuremberg – practical and informative

As part of the workshop, I had the opportunity to give a 90-minute presentation on the mode of action and precise application of phenol peeling to an audience of around 80 participants. Particular attention was paid to the clear differentiation from other wrinkle reduction procedures such as fillers, botulinum toxin, lasers and facelifts. I also emphasized the importance of medical cosmetics for a holistic treatment concept.
I then carried out two live phenol peelings, which illustrated the theoretical explanations in a practical way. For one patient, I performed a complete facial peel with solutions of varying concentrations, while for a second lady I specifically treated deep wrinkles in the upper lip area. I was supported in this by my colleague Natalie Noel, whose assistance made a significant contribution to the smooth running of the event. Afterwards, I was on hand to answer the many interested participants’ questions about the application and results of the peel.
The peeling solutions from SKINTECH represent a significant further development of the former BAKER-GORDON phenol peeling. They are available in various grades, also in combination with trichloroacetic acid, and are characterized by a reduced irritation potential of the skin. The peeling solutions make it possible to determine the optimum concentration of peeling for each patient individually and precisely in order to achieve a customized treatment result.
Participating in training courses of this kind has once again strengthened my conviction that continuous further training and exchanges with colleagues are of crucial importance in order to sustainably improve treatment outcomes and patient care.