
A facelift achieves a young and fresh appearance by restoring clear, dynamic facial features. Thanks to our special technique, the personal expression is retained and there are no visible signs of the surgical procedure.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Facharzt für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie
Ästhetisch-Plastische Operationen

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery

The facelift for
Muggenthaler Aesthetics

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler has an exceptionally sound education in facial surgery. As an experienced facial surgeon, he recognizes which aspects disturb the harmony of a face and develops an individual treatment plan for you.

Operation duration
2 to 4 hours

Local anesthesia with or without twilight sleep

1 night

Cooling, lymphatic drainage

Socially acceptable
After 8 to 14 days

Rare complications
Post-operative bleeding (in the first few hours after the operation), visible, reddened scars, swelling or induration

Dr. Muggenthaler about the facelift

Who is the facelift suitable for? What results can be expected? Where are the incisions made during a facelift and are scars visible after the operation? Are there risks and side effects with a surgical facelift? And when will I be socially acceptable again? In this video, Dr. Muggenthaler answers these questions and also reveals how he came to facial surgery and facelifting in particular.


Before and after

In Germany, it is not permitted to show before and after pictures of medical treatments. We are therefore unable to present any before and after pictures of our treatments here. If you are interested in before and after pictures, please contact us. We will show you some examples and will be happy to explain the prospects of success and the potential effect of the corresponding treatment in your specific case during a non-binding consultation.

Patient voices

Treatment procedure

Individual advice

Before the facelift, you will inform us about your wishes, expectations and concerns in a detailed consultation. Your state of health and any medication you regularly take that could lead to an increased risk are particularly important to us. Together with you, Dr. Muggenhtaler will analyze your face in front of the mirror. Perhaps you already know exactly which detail you would like to change. However, you may also want to improve your appearance without knowing exactly where to start. Don’t worry: together we will find your personal path to an attractive appearance.

Intensive dialog as the basis for your satisfaction

The top priority in the selection of treatment methods is the safe avoidance of complications and discomfort. We take a lot of time for this. The trust in our treatment and your healing success are based on the fact that there are no ambiguities between doctor and patient. After the consultation, we can confirm the costs involved.

Preparation for the facelift

The recovery and aftercare phase is crucial for the success of the treatment and the operation – sufficient time should be allowed for this. Depending on your state of health, it will be determined which preliminary examinations (e.g. blood test or ECG) are necessary. During the consultation, we will tell you which medication you can take regularly. Avoid alcohol and nicotine consumption during the day and in any case the evening before the operation.

Facelift expert Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

To achieve particularly long-lasting results, we combine minimally invasive methods with multi-layered, in-depth techniques during a facelift. Thanks to this innovation, regeneration is significantly faster.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

As patients receive much less medication overall, the “hangover” after the interventions is also much shorter. As a rule, our patients can stroll through our clinic’s park on the evening of the procedure without any problems.

Facelift expert Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

Facelift surgery

In order to guarantee an optimal quality of the procedure, we never perform an operation under time pressure. Thanks to generous timing and methods that have been tried and tested over many years, our patients have significantly fewer problems with swelling and discoloration than patients who have undergone other facelift methods. For facelifts, we combine minimally invasive techniques with particularly effective surgical procedures: Using a method developed by us, sutures are fixed in the deep layers of the face to create youthful contours safely and permanently.

Thanks to this gentle technique, all lifts can be performed under local anesthesia in twilight sleep. This eliminates the need for stressful anesthesia. Patients then spend one or two nights in the clinic.

Gentle anesthesia

We have been working with a team of highly experienced and competent anesthetists for over 20 years. During this time, we have constantly worked on making anesthesia for facelifts ever gentler and safer. Our efforts have resulted in a concept of very mild twilight sedation, which is probably unique in aesthetic medicine: a sophisticated combination of sedative medication, a very effective local anesthetic and a relaxed atmosphere in the operating room enables us to perform all lifts without general anesthesia.

This is very much in line with the wishes of most patients, as many fear the anesthetic more than the actual facelift. However, there are also a number of clear medical advantages to our concept: First and foremost, the risk of thrombosis and embolism is largely eliminated. The absence of anesthesia also means that facial expressions can be controlled during the procedure, making it much easier to prevent damage to the facial nerves. As the patients receive much less medication overall, the “hangover” after the interventions is also much shorter. As a rule, our patients can stroll through our clinic’s park on the evening of the procedure without any problems.

Frequently asked questions about the facelift

What results are realistic with a facelift? Which not?

Realistic is what you can achieve when you stand in front of the mirror and lift your brows and cheeks and tighten your neck. Depending on the method used, wrinkles can be reduced by 50-80 percent, with an overall rejuvenating effect of 8-10 years to be expected.

Is the incision visible afterwards? How does the scar heal?

We use a scar care program that has been tried and tested over many years and is based on a number of perfectly coordinated ointments. In the first week after the facelift, small crusts may be present in some areas, after which slight redness may be visible for around six weeks. With proper care by the patient, the scars are virtually invisible after three to six months.

How long should I stay in the clinic after the facelift?

You will usually stay in our clinic for three nights after your facelift. This allows our medical staff to monitor your recovery and ensure that you are comfortable and that there are no immediate complications. This approach has been tried and tested over many years and serves both the safety and well-being of our patients.

Is a facelift an option for me?

If you want to rejuvenate and improve your appearance, a consultation at MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK is the first step on the way. Here, Dr. Muggenthaler can decide whether a facelift is the right method for your needs, or whether another treatment would be more appropriate. However, as a general rule, if lifting your face with your fingers makes a significant positive difference, it is the right time for a facelift.

Do you offer the Deep Plane Facelift?

Yes, our clinic has been performing facelifts using the deep plane technique for many decades. This method not only tightens the skin, but also deeper structures such as connective tissue, muscles and fatty tissue. In order to avoid visible consequences of the operation, we avoid excessive tightening of the skin, preserve the natural hairline and place the incisions in areas that are as inconspicuous as possible.

With the deep plane facelift, in which the SMAS (superficial musculo-aponeurotic system) is specifically lifted and tightened, we achieve a particularly harmonious and long-lasting rejuvenation of the contours of the face and neck.

Pure skin lifts, on the other hand, only offer a limited reduction of sagging areas of the face and have virtually no lifting effect on the neck. However, this procedure can be useful if older and very slim patients have virtually no subcutaneous fatty tissue and their skin has almost completely lost its elasticity.

How natural is the result after a facelift?

Many patients fear a mask-like and unnatural facelift result. Although this fear is understandable, it is completely unfounded if carried out correctly. The experienced facial surgeon will not only aim for a rejuvenated appearance, but will take care to retain individual features so that the face does not look different, but more rested, younger and fresher. The experience of the surgeon and the choice of the optimal technique are crucial for a natural result. SMAS lifting has proven its worth for many decades. This method not only “tightens” the skin but also takes into account the deeper structures, consisting of connective tissue, muscles and fatty tissue. To avoid visible consequences of the operation, the skin is not tightened excessively, the natural hairline is preserved and the incisions are made in invisible areas wherever possible.

Is there a facelift without surgery?

The classic facelift (medical term: rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure in facial aesthetic plastic surgery in which sagging areas of the face are lifted and sagging areas of skin are tightened. In addition to the surgical facelift, there are other procedures such as laser, radiofrequency or ultrasound, which also have a tightening effect to a certain extent. These minimally invasive methods are often mistakenly referred to as a facelift without surgery. Minimally invasive applications can be a good solution, especially for younger patients or as a supplement to facial surgery. In terms of the rejuvenating effect, however, these methods cannot be equated with a surgical facelift.

Can a facelift be combined with other procedures?

As part of a facelift, a tightening of the upper or lower eyelids (blepharoplasty) or a brow lift is often performed. To improve the appearance of the skin and eliminate wrinkles, chemical peels, in particular phenol peels, wrinkle injections or laser therapies can be combined with a facelift.

Can I fly after the operation?

Yes, immediately and without restriction. Nevertheless, you should inform us.

How high is the risk of infection during a facelift?

A facelift at the MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK private clinic is particularly safe due to our specialization in aesthetic facial surgery: our clinic is sterile. The risk of infection is negligible compared to a clinic with a wider range of operations.

When can I tie my hair back again without traces of the operation becoming visible?

With make-up, you can tie your hair back after just two to three weeks after the facelift. After six weeks, there is no sign of a facelift, even without make-up and with the hair tied back.

Can I wear jewelry after the facelift?

No heavy earrings should be worn in the week following the facelift.

When can I tint or dye my hair again?

Three to four weeks after the facelift, the hair can be tinted or colored again.

Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation? We are here for you.

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    Different methods of facelifting

    There is not just one method for a facelift. Over the last few decades, facelifting has constantly evolved. Not every method is ideal in our opinion. Find out more:

    Skin lifting

    A skin lift tightens the epidermis but does not rejuvenate the face in depth. The effect on the neck is minimal, and the high tension at the seams can result in noticeable scars and grimaces. This method of facelifting only makes sense if there is only sagging of the skin and no deeper facial shaping is necessary. For example, older patients with loose skin but a clearly defined neck, as can occur with severely sun-damaged facial skin.

    Superiosteal technique: the midface lift

    In a midface lift, the soft tissue in the cheek area is loosened down to the bone (i.e. epidermis, subcutis, muscles and periosteum) and moved upwards. The incision is made from the lower eyelid; as the periosteum is not elastic, it must also be incised during the transfer. The mobilized parts are sutured further up to the periosteum or to the bone itself, causing severe swelling. Initially, patients look over-corrected and distorted – an effect that can last for several weeks. If the sutures do not hold, this can lead to disfiguring and functionally impairing changes to the lower eyelids, making correction difficult.

    This technique is not offered at MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK due to the high complication rate. We achieve the desired effect with a facelift in combination with a filler treatment in the cheek area above the cheekbone – this method is safe and effective at MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK.

    MACS-Lifting (Minimal Acces Cranial Suspension)

    The MACS lift is advertised as an easy way to rejuvenate the shape of the face. The doctor loosens the epidermis of the cheeks over a large area, passes two non-self-dissolving nylon threads through the tissue and knots them into a loop. However, this tightening of the facial skin does not adequately shape the face itself: the tissue is piled up at the sides and even if the excess epidermis is cut away, this does not conceal the lack of treatment of the deeper layers. The MACS lift is therefore not as effective as an SMAS lift, which models the face in depth. In addition, the nylon threads can be felt in the cheek and cause complications relatively frequently.

    Endoscopic facelift

    Endoscopic operations have replaced the classic open procedure in general surgery in many cases (e.g. gall bladder surgery) and this technique is also used in facial surgery. Instead of making a large skin incision and exposing the operated area, the surgeon first inserts tiny lenses on glass fibers through small access points in this variant of the facelift. Micro-instruments are then inserted and their position can be tracked on the monitor. The advantage of endoscopic face lifts is that only small incisions are required at the hairline; however, the periosteum must be loosened over a large area of the skull bone – resulting in long-lasting swelling. The contour is often only insufficiently improved and the results are often only short-lived.

    MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK does not perform endoscopic lifts. Thanks to our innovative technology, our facelift scars are virtually invisible.

    Full facelift or complete lift

    In a full facelift, a comprehensive treatment plan for your entire face is drawn up following a detailed analysis of all age-related changes. We improve your appearance in various areas in a single procedure: Brows and cheeks are lifted, the neck is tightened, eyelids are corrected and wrinkles around the mouth are smoothed. Both the deep layers and the epidermis are treated. Even after such extensive procedures, the pain and swelling is minimal and after two weeks the patient is usually fully fit for social life. This means that the downtime after this facelift is significantly shorter than if individual treatments are carried out independently of each other. The holistic treatment of all age-related changes enables a harmonious and particularly natural-looking rejuvenation.


    If a complete facelift is not or not yet appropriate, a facelift can also be performed only in the cheek area or on the neck, for example.


    There is no generally binding definition of the term mini-lift. Some consider this to be a simplified facelift procedure, in which, for example, the deep layers are not tackled. However, this means that poorer results are inevitable. Our personal aim with a mini-lift is to minimize the stress for the patient while achieving maximum results. Our innovative facelift technique fulfills these criteria – a facelift at MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK can therefore also be described as a “mini-lift”.

    SMAS+ (Superficial Muscular Aponeurosis System)

    Among facial rejuvenation methods, the SMAS lift has a unique selling point: it not only treats sagging skin, but also shapes the face in depth. If the face is only tightened superficially, the excess tissue builds up on the sides and the result looks unnatural. SMAS lifting, on the other hand, also removes excess tissue in the deeper layers so that the face regains a youthful and striking shape. The side section remains attractively flat.
    An SMAS lift is an extremely effective and safe method when performed by an expert. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler learned the SMAS technique from its inventor, Dr. Connell, and has perfected the method.
    At MUGGENTHALER ÄSTHETIK, the deep layers are sewn in such a sophisticated way that:

    • even more beautiful shaping is possible,
    • the face heals significantly faster and
    • the result lasts longer.


    The success of this further development of the SMAS lift is internationally renowned and surgeons from all over the world visit us to learn from Dr. Muggenthaler.

    More about the SMAS facelift

    Different age groups – different approaches to facelifts

    Under 35 years
    At this age, the skin still has unlimited elasticity. Although signs of age are present, they are generally not perceived as disturbing. Disorders of the facial proportions, e.g. a receding chin, can, however, make a correction appear sensible.

    Between 35 and 45 years
    The skin shows the first signs of a loss of elasticity. Eyebrows and cheeks shift slightly downwards. This also changes the proportions of the face. In addition to lifting the cheeks, a correction here can also include shaping the eyebrows and correcting the neck contour.

    Between 45 and 60 years
    The loss of elasticity can be observed extensively on the face and neck. However, the resulting wrinkles are still so superficial that they can be smoothed out again by tightening the skin. As a rule, a comprehensive lift of the forehead, cheeks and neck is necessary. Often, the upper and lower eyelids are also corrected or wrinkles are treated with laser or peelings.

    Over 60 years
    In addition to excess and sagging skin, from this age there are often deep wrinkles that cannot be removed with a facelift alone. If this is the case, a phenol peel may be the treatment of choice. The special feature lies in the renewal of the elastic and collagen fibers in depth, whereby the skin receives a significant improvement in its functional properties. This leads to renewal and rejuvenation in all layers of the skin. Not only superficial but also deep wrinkles and pigmentation disorders are almost completely eliminated. Phenol peels and facelifts complement each other well in terms of indications and can be combined to a certain extent.

    Non-surgical lifts

    Ultrasound or radio frequency
    Treatment with ultrasound or radiofrequency devices tightens and sculpts the face and neck and is a sensible method for patients with the first signs of ageing – provided it is carried out by an experienced doctor.
    The slackening of the collagen fibers in the skin causes loss of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. The radiofrequency current or ultrasound waves gently heat the collagen in the subcutaneous tissue, causing it to shrink and tighten the skin. This so-called collagen shrinking is immediately visible; six to eight weeks after the treatment, collagen remodeling can also be seen: the regeneration of the collagen stimulated by the heat gives the face and neck new contours. The treatment is repeated four to six times every two months to achieve maximum effect.
    Please note: Excessive heat can burn and permanently destroy the tissue, which is why the treatment must be carried out by experts and with high-quality equipment.


    Thread lifting
    A thread lift achieves tissue tightening with an immediate effect by placing self-dissolving threads under the skin. This treatment makes sense for relatively young patients with certain sagging skin that does not yet justify surgery (for example in the front cheek area or on the forehead). If the skin is no longer sufficiently elastic, irritating wrinkles form during a thread lift, which only disappear after around two weeks, if at all. The results are stable for a maximum of one year.

    Complementary methods to the facelift

    The following treatments can be carried out at the same time as a facelift:

    • Eyelid correction
    • Wrinkle treatment with laser, peeling or dermabrasion
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Ear correction