Eyebrow lift

Eyebrow lift / forehead lift

Drooping eyebrows and drooping eyelids make the facial expression appear tired and gloomy. If you are bothered by these features, an eyebrow lift (also in combination with an eyelid lift) is a suitable technique for restoring an open look and a youthful appearance.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Facharzt für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie
Ästhetisch-Plastische Operationen

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery

Eyebrow lift

Eyebrow lift treatment goal:

  • Eyebrows are lifted
  • Drooping eyelids are reduced
  • Facial expression appears friendlier and more relaxed
  • Lateral wrinkles on the forehead are reduced


Thanks to our procedure, it is possible to lift the brows to almost any desired position through very short and later virtually invisible incisions at the hairline, even under local anesthesia. Just a few days after the procedure you will be fit for social life again. The results appear particularly natural and are long-lasting.

Operation duration
approx. 1 hour

Local anesthesia with or without twilight sleep

Outpatient or 1 night in our clinic in Gutach near Freiburg

Cooling, treatment with special creams to support wound healing

Socially acceptable
After 10 to 14 days

Rare complications
Post-operative bleeding (in the first few hours after an operation). Visible, reddened scars, swelling or hardening, asymmetries

Inquired at
Dr. Muggenthaler

What is the difference between an eyebrow/forehead lift and an eyelid lift? When is which method appropriate? Are operations such as eyelid correction or a forehead lift performed on an outpatient basis? What are the risks and side effects? When will I be socially acceptable again after an eyelid correction or forehead lift? And how long does the result last? In this video, Dr. Muggenthaler answers the most important questions about lifting the brows and eyelid lifting.


Before and after

In Germany, it is not permitted to show before and after pictures of medical treatments. We are therefore unable to present any before and after pictures of our treatments here. If you are interested in before and after pictures, please contact us. We will show you some examples and will be happy to explain the prospects of success and the potential effect of the corresponding treatment in your specific case during a non-binding consultation.

Patient voices

Treatment procedure

With age, the forehead moves downwards so that the eyebrows press on the eyes and an excess of eyelid skin is feigned. This effect is particularly noticeable on the sides. The eye area becomes smaller and therefore less expressive; the face looks tired and gloomy overall – an effect that is intensified by the shrinking space between the eyebrows.

Holistic treatment

In many cases, it makes sense to perform various corrections at the same time: lifting of the eyebrows, lateral tightening of the temple region and, if still necessary, correction of excess eyelid skin. The interplay of the various measures creates a harmonious, very natural-looking “open view”.
The steps required for an eyebrow lift are located at the hairline or in the hair and are virtually invisible later on. In many cases, this makes surgery on the upper eyelids superfluous or can be limited to a much smaller extent. An eyebrow lift or eyebrow lift can be combined very well with a face lift and leads to a complete and harmonious rejuvenation of the appearance.

Gently to the goal

Dr. Muggenthaler’s eyebrow lift procedure – the modified subcutaneous brow lift – is particularly effective and gentle. The technique requires only small incisions that leave barely visible scars, spares the deep layers of tissue by only lifting the skin and enables a quick recovery through gentle anesthesia.

Dr. Muggenthaler Consulting

All too often, an eyelid lift is performed when a brow lift would actually be appropriate as a supplement or alternative. For a perfect result, it is crucial to make the indication according to systematic considerations or to consider combination treatments.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

In order to guarantee an optimal quality of the procedure, we never perform an operation under time pressure. Thanks to generous timing and methods that have been tried and tested over many years, our patients have significantly fewer problems with swelling and discoloration than patients who have undergone other methods of forehead/sleep lifting.

Eyebrow lift expert

Consultation before the eyebrow lift

During the consultation, we will discuss with you whether and to what extent the brows should be lifted and where the incisions should be placed so that they are virtually invisible later on. This is very individual and should be determined specifically for each patient. We often also recommend an additional correction on the upper eyelids to achieve a particularly effective and natural result.


The treatment of an eyebrow or forehead lift is carried out in a relaxed atmosphere in twilight sleep or under local anesthesia. The skin is loosened up to approx. one centimeter above the eyebrows via 4 cm long incisions on both sides of the hairline. The brows are then lifted to the desired position using self-dissolving, deep-set retaining threads. This usually results in a slight excess of forehead skin, which is removed. The wounds are also closed with self-dissolving stitches. In order to guarantee an optimal quality of the procedure, we never perform an operation under time pressure. Thanks to generous timing and methods that have been tried and tested over many years, our patients have significantly fewer problems with swelling and discoloration than patients who have undergone other methods of forehead/sleep lifting.

Aftercare eyebrow lift

To keep swelling to a minimum, the area around the eyes, temples and forehead is cooled immediately after the operation. The forehead bandage can be removed the morning after the operation. The hair should be washed normally on the second day after the procedure. For wound care, our patients are given various special creams to accelerate healing. If skin staples have been placed, they are removed after three to four days. All other suture material dissolves by itself within 10 to 14 days. After ten to fourteen days, most patients are fully socially acceptable again. Sports activities should be avoided during the first six weeks after a lift, as otherwise swelling and a feeling of tightness may reoccur.

Frequently asked questions

What treatment helps with drooping eyelids?

In the case of drooping eyelids, medically known as blepharochalasis, an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) or an eyebrow lift or forehead lift are usually the methods of choice.

What is the difference between an eyelid lift and a forehead lift?

During an eyelid lift or upper eyelid lift, the excess skin, fat and connective tissue above the eyes is removed to tighten the upper eyelid. The incision is made in the skin folds of the upper eyelid so that the scars remain as invisible as possible later on.


A forehead lift tightens the skin in the forehead area, which raises the eyebrows. The cuts are made along the natural hairline. The newly growing hair will later cover the scars almost completely. Depending on the indication, a forehead lift can make an upper eyelid lift superfluous. In some cases, however, it is precisely the combination of the two methods that leads to optimum results.

What does an eyebrow lift do?

The eyebrow lift raises the eyebrows, reduces drooping eyelids and makes the facial expression appear friendlier and more relaxed. The transverse wrinkles on the forehead and frown lines are also reduced by the lift.

What is special about Dr. Muggenthaler's forehead lift?

With the modified subcutaneous brow lift, we offer a particularly effective and gentle method in our clinic.


The advantages:

  • Only small incisions required, leaving barely visible scars
  • No permanent restriction of skin sensitivity.
  • Very good and wide repositioning of the brows, whereby the extent of the brow lift can easily be individually adjusted to the required needs.
  • Very good durability of the result. The extent of the brow lift achieved post-operatively is maintained for many years.
  • Gentle anesthesia and rapid recovery

How long does a forehead lift last?

How long the results of a forehead lift last depends on the individual skin structure and lifestyle. However, you can assume a shelf life of approx. 10 years.

Forehead lift or eyelid lift for drooping eyelids? Which method is right for me?

The choice of surgical technique depends largely on the indication. If there is excess eyelid skin, an eyelid lift is usually the right method. However, the tired look is often caused by age-related sagging of the eyebrows. The drooping of the forehead and the low position of the brows can then lead to an apparent excess of skin on the upper eyelids, a so-called pseudoblepharochalasis. In this case, the desired goal of an upper eyelid lift can be improved many times over with an additional reduction of sagging eyebrows.

Will I look younger after an eyebrow lift?

Yes, the face looks about 8 to 10 years younger.

Where are the scars after a brow lift?

The scars are located in the hairline or at the hairline of the forehead.

Does this make the forehead higher?

If the forehead is extremely low, the cut is placed approx. 5 cm into the hair – which raises the hairline. Otherwise, the hairline remains unchanged.

Are there sensory disturbances in the forehead?

The sensory disturbances behind the incisions can last up to 6 months.

What is the risk of an eyebrow lift?

Postoperative bleeding may occur in the first few hours after the procedure. Damage is extremely unlikely. Infections do not occur if attention is paid to hygiene in the first week after the procedure.

Is hair removed during a brow lift?

No. No hair is removed.

How long do I have to take it easy after the brow lift?

In the first 8 days after the operation, you should definitely not do anything strenuous for your body.

When will I be socially acceptable again after a brow lift?

After about 7 to 10 days, the patient is fully fit for social life again.

Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation? We are here for you.

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