14 Dec Christmas at Muggenthaler Aesthetics

So it will soon be time to celebrate. You will all have your own individual rituals. And it’s the familiar repetitions that make it easier for us to slow down. The decorated Christmas tree, the Christmas dinner, the wrapping and unwrapping of presents, perhaps a break for winter sports or on the beach in the sunny south – all of this has become a routine and gives us the feeling of experiencing something special that stands out so pleasantly from the rest of the year.
But Christmas is more than “just” relaxation and enjoyment. Christmas is the festival of love and humanity. Especially at the moment, when many people are going through a difficult time, we should appreciate the beautiful things we have and do our bit to share this happiness with others.
And thanks should not be neglected at the end of the year. I would like to express this sincerely here. First and foremost, I would like to thank my great team. Without your cooperation and your willingness to support me with help and advice, many things would not have been possible. I would also like to thank my patients for their loyalty and the trust they have placed in me. For me it is still the greatest satisfaction to make you happy and to be able to accompany you to a new attitude towards life.
And when the year bids farewell in radiant festive splendor, then the start of the new year can only be a success. Then you are ready to open the first page of your diary with fresh energy, creative ideas and zestful vigor and tackle new and exciting tasks. I’m looking forward to it!
Of course, we all wish that luck is always a faithful companion and that we can go through life healthy and with joy.
Enjoy the holidays, stay healthy and look forward to a successful and fulfilling New Year.
From the heart
Yours, Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Impressions from our wonderful Christmas dinner at our “practice neighbor”, the Ristorante Fiorentina in Basel. We were treated to the finest Italian cuisine in an atmospheric setting.

Advent spirit also prevails in our ZO® Skin Health Shop in Basel