12 Aug Aesthetic-plastic treatments in summer

What to look out for in the summer after plastic surgery:
For a desirable outcome of plastic surgery, not only the treatment itself is decisive, but also the special aftercare has an influence on the healing process and thus on the result of the procedure. Depending on the seasonal and climatic conditions, special protective measures are sometimes necessary so that the body can recover optimally and there are no undesirable post-operative side effects.
The question of whether there is a suitable time or the best time of year for a facelift, rhinoplasty or other aesthetic plastic surgery treatment cannot be answered in general terms. The reasons for plastic surgery are very individual, so it is up to the patient alone to decide when treatment should be carried out. Of course, the specific timing of the procedure also depends on the patient’s physical condition.
Sufficient rest and protection after the procedure
Depending on its extent and the method used, a cosmetic plastic surgery treatment places a certain strain on the body from which it must recover. You should therefore plan to take some time off after the procedure. Physically strenuous activities and sport should be avoided for several weeks after many operations so as not to negatively affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
Especially in the warmer months, the idea of combining convalescence with a summer vacation is an obvious one. But a long journey and a visit to a foreign environment can also cause stress and strain. In addition, aftercare often includes check-ups in the surgeon’s practice or clinic to ensure that the wound heals without complications. Recovery at home – possibly with a short stay in hospital following the operation – is therefore usually the best solution. Planned travel activities should only be undertaken after consulting a doctor.
Sun protection is particularly important in summer
After plastic surgery, the treated areas should be protected from direct sunlight. This does not necessarily mean that patients should not go out in the sun at all for the time being, but rather that care should be taken to wear suitable clothing and care products. For example, with a sun hat, sunglasses and sun cream with a high sun protection factor (SPF), patients can stay in the sun for a reasonable amount of time. Ideally, a face cream with a high SPF should be applied afterwards in order to treat the areas optimally. Extensive sunbathing is possible again after about six weeks, depending on the treatment and individual condition.
Orientation towards the sun protection factor (SPF)
Sun lotion is offered by various manufacturers and in different versions. The labeling of the respective sun protection can also vary from time to time: While the so-called sun protection factor is often given as a guide, percentages can also be found on the packaging. The latter usually refer to the percentage of skin-reddening radiation absorbed by the cream. According to a study by the Max Planck Institute, the individual sun protection levels are often misjudged when they are given as percentages. It is therefore advisable to take a look at the sun protection factor. After plastic surgery, patients should preferably use a high sun protection factor of 30 or 50, for example.
Personal dialog as the basis for a healthy result
Patients receive detailed information and advice on the respective plastic treatment in an individual consultation with the facial surgeon. At this individual appointment, the patient explains their motivation for the procedure and expresses what they want from the result of the plastic surgery. Based on a detailed facial analysis, the aesthetic surgeon will explain the medical options and the specific treatment procedure. There is also an opportunity to talk about the special pre- and post-treatment care. With both general rules of conduct and specific advice, the surgeon helps the patient to prepare as well as possible for the treatment and the time after the procedure, so that nothing stands in the way of an optimal treatment result.
More about the repertoire of our holistic treatment concept for skin rejuvenation and facial surgery