19 Dec Aesthetic medicine: what was discussed most in 2017

As medical professionals, we aesthetic specialists are also bound by our oath to help our patients, but first and foremost not to harm them. I therefore think that reputable providers of aesthetic treatments should be rather cautious about anything that is advertised as a trend and must of course check very carefully whether a procedure is suitable and, above all, safe. Nevertheless, we can also speak of certain developments and trends in aesthetic medicine: New approaches and procedures are added and prove themselves over time, older methods go out of fashion, are changed by new impulses or supplemented by effective further developments. What has happened in our field in the past year and what can we make of the three most prominent trends?
Trend no. 1: threads still in focus
Although they have been tried and tested for a long time and have been the subject of much discussion in recent years, thread lifts were once again the focus of scientific exchange and public attention in 2017. This is understandable insofar as they promise a lifting effect of the face with significantly less effort and cost than the classic surgical facelift. However, after intensive consideration of this topic, I have come to the conclusion that sutures are not (at least for the time being) a means by which many patients can be meaningfully helped. Advanced signs of ageing of the face with sagging areas and excess tissue cannot be effectively corrected with threads, so thread lifting is only the method of choice for patients who only have slight or initial sagging of the face.
The Muggenthaler verdict: thread lifts are only a sensible option for very specific patients. Get good advice about alternatives!
Trend no. 2: “Melania Makeover” – celebrities as role models for aesthetic treatments
The desire for aesthetic plastic surgery is a very individual matter and, especially in facial surgery, patients often wrestle with themselves for years before deciding on an operation. The situation is different with trends such as the Melania makeover, which at least occasionally spill over from the USA to Europe: Patients here are so fascinated by certain public figures that they want to look just like them. As a surgeon, I have a responsibility to question the motivation of my patients. If expectations are unrealistic, it is impossible to satisfy the patient with a procedure. My experience shows that there is nothing to be said against bringing a photo of another person (even a celebrity, if you like) to the consultation so that you can use this as a basis for more clearly stating your wishes and ideas. However, I strongly advise against attempts to transform yourself into a different person with the help of plastic surgery.
The Muggenthaler verdict: Try to find yourself (again) rather than be someone else!
Trend no. 3: Heat, cold and ultrasound as aesthetic aids
Specialized devices for treating aesthetic blemishes and problems have become even more established in aesthetic medicine over the past year. What has been true for laser or radio frequency treatments for several years is now also evident in the use of heat, cold and ultrasound, which can be used specifically for fat reduction, skin tightening or skin optimization. It is still important that the user understands the possibilities and limitations of the devices and recognizes in which case treatment makes sense for the patient. My experience over the past year has shown that procedures such as the Ultra Skin method are a very useful addition to the classic range of facial aesthetic surgery services – this gentle procedure has already been very well received by my patients.
The Muggenthaler verdict: Safe devices and proven areas of application make heat, cold and ultrasound therapies useful additions to the repertoire of aesthetic physicians!